Monday 12 February 2007


Shabd or Shabda literally means “sound” or “word” in Sanskrit. [1] Esoterically, Shabd is the “Sound Current vibrating in all creation. It can be heard by the inner ears.” [2] Variously referred to as the Audible Life Stream, Inner Sound, Sound Current or Word in English, the Shabd is the esoteric essence of God which is available to all human beings, according to the Shabd path teachings of Eckankar, the Quan Yin Method, Sant Mat and Surat Shabd Yoga.

Adherents believe that a Satguru, or Eck Master, who is a human being, has merged with the Shabd in such a manner that he or she is a living manifestation of it at its highest level (the “Word made flesh”). However, not only can the Satguru can attain this, but all human beings are inherently privileged in this way. Indeed, in Sant Mat the raison d’être for the human form is to meditate on the Sound Current, and in so doing merge with it until one’s own divinity is ultimately realized.

from Wikipedia

Billions of years ago, an explosive flash of light marked the creation of the universe. The residual energy of this event permeates the universe even today- and it tells us that the young universe was filled with sound.

"Although the flash was brilliant light, that light has traveled to us across the universe, which is expanding. Those waves have been stretched by a large amount, by a factor of 1,000. So the light waves have been stretched, and they become microwaves."

Mark Whittle is a professor of astronomy at the University of Virginia. He tells us that since this pervasive microwave radiation was first detected 40 years ago, scientists have been able to observe it in great detail.

"And what was seen were patches, very slight patches, slightly brighter, slightly dimmer. What that is, it transpires, it's like looking down on the ocean's surface. You're actually seeing the peaks and troughs of waves. And so, the microwave background is showing us an image of sound waves, peaks and troughs."

from Pulse of the Planet

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