Thursday 10 August 2006

Project Runway Episode 305

Kayne. Jeffrey.

Who do I dislike more? Kayne's Monroe dress was right out of Best Little Whorehouse in Texas meets Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. I cannot stand Kayne. He looks like he is made out of botox and chewing gum.

Jeffrey's Madonna dress was like sofa upholstery glued onto a woman. Terrible. With all his bluster about how good he is?? He sucks. I wish Laura had simply choked him along his neck tattoo.

Final five predictions so far? Laura, Michael, Uli, Angela, Jeffrey (there is always an ass in there somewhere.)

I don't like Robert or Allison's designs. Vincent is just totally insane.

"An update on Villain Watch: Jeffrey is the new Keith. He argued and yelled at Angela for (supposedly) breaking a machine and subsequently not fixing it. According to Jeffrey, it was making his sewing more difficult. PUHLEEESE! Last season, several of my fellow designers cried wolf for the same reasons. Somehow, among all the broken machines and needles, the rest of us managed to present an outfit on the runway.

Coming to Angela's defense, Laura managed to treat Jeffrey as her sixth child and put him in his place without even batting an eyelash. Jeffrey then stooped to an all-time Project Runway low, one-upping even Santino, by wishing Laura would have a stroke! Jeffrey should have spent less time name-calling and more time creating a better outfit for his chosen fashion icon, Madonna. His design looked like a bad hybrid of Tina Turner's Mad Max costume and a goth teenager at a local mall."
Nick Verreos at

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