Monday, 14 July 2008

Mylene : Sexy Coma?

Mylene comes down to Earth from her space capsule and gets her freak on.

Saturday, 12 July 2008

She returns, as if she never left- and consumes the competition

Grace Jones : Corporate Cannibal

pleased to meet you
pleased to have you on my plate
your meat is sweet to me
your destiny your fate
you are my life support
your life is my sport

I'm a man

I'm a man

A man eating machine

you won't hear me laughing
as I terminate your day

you can't trace my footsteps
as I walk the other way

I can't get enough prey
pray for me

(I'm a man eating machine)

corporate cannibal
a digital criminal

corporate cannibal

eat you like an animal

Employer of the year
grandmaster of fear.
My blood flows satanical,
mechanical, masonical and chemical.
habitual ritual

I'm a man eating machine.
I'm a man, a man eating machine.

I deal in the market.
Every man, woman, and child is a target.
A closet full of faceless, nameless,
pay-more-for-less emptiness.
I'll make you scrounge in my executive lounge.

You'll pay less tax but I will gain more back.
My rules you fools.
We can play the money game, greed game,
power game, stay insane.
Lost in this cell, in this hell,
slave to the rhythm of the corporate prison.

I'm a man eating machine.
I can't get enough prey, pray for me.
a corporate cannibal, digital criminal.

I'll consume my consumers
with no sense of humor
I will give you uniform chloroform
sanitize, homogenize

I'm a man eating machine
I am the spark
that will make the world explode

I'll make the world explode
Corporate cannibal
digital criminal

eat you like an animal