Monday, 27 March 2006


"Some people are wigging out on the set of “Dreamgirls.”
A source says that “huge amounts of time and money” have gone to elaborate hairpieces for BeyoncĂ© Knowles’ character in the film about a trio of women Motown singers from the 1960s.
“The shooting keeps getting delayed because something goes wrong with one of those darned wigs,” a source tells The Scoop. “During a dance routine, BeyoncĂ© was twirling and a fake nail kept getting caught in the wig and it all ripped apart. Another time, some capes were supposed to look like they were elevating, but they were actually being raised by fishing wire, but it got all caught up in her wig. The movie supposedly has a budget of almost hundred million dollars, but you wouldn’t know it by the special-effects budget. I think a huge chunk of it went those wigs.”


Tuesday, 21 March 2006

Monday, 20 March 2006

Marilyn Minter

How much do I love her photography? Wow...

Thursday, 16 March 2006

"I love your shoes"

Cass & Mangan's "I LOVE YOUR SHOES" on Renaissance Presents 3D: Satoshi Tomiie. The whole album is fantastic. It's available on ITUNES now too...

Saturday, 11 March 2006

Tuesday, 7 March 2006

Blown Out

It's sad when the most interesting thing on Gawker is the ad for Bravo's third season of Blow Out.